【动态】好消息!毕节市“三院合一”建设项目主体结构完工,预计明年建成并投入使用金海湖发布 2017-09-26 作为重要的民生工程,市(妇幼保健院、儿童医院、妇产医院)&ld
激活城市风貌之载体The activation of urban style and features
The Concept Plan and Construction Design for Transport & Commercial Hub带有鲜明个性的龙泉驿客运枢纽将从根本上成为一座公共空间,一个极具吸引力的目的地,以及未来新兴
BLUE proposes a new commericial park that works with the unique qualities of a steep site, providing a highly walkable and dynamic community while linking neigh
在各位大咖的要求下博蓝双周正式创刊了BLUE TEAM 一个高颜值的纯男团队BLUE TEAM 青年建筑师的设计乌托邦一个汇集青年建筑师的设计乌托邦。在这里,你能够与世界各地的青年建
Client: JiHua EnergyProgram: Offce & RetailLocation: QiJiang, ChongQingFloor Area: 7,350 m²Structure System: Concrete Bearing Wall + Concrete BlockCost: 23
Location:GUIZHOUFunction: maternal &. child health care buildingArchitects: LIULINXIANG ZHAOYUAN PANGBOProject owner: GOVERNMENTProject team: BLUETEAMEnvironmen
某天醒来,我忽然发现,被这个“转型”的世界落得好远。。。。。不记得什么时候,天上早已到处飘着什么p2p ,c2c, o2o ,反正搞不懂,就知道“2”好像变的很
The scale of this planning is hug and innvolovd amzing comminity effort. Despite its scale, it still fell soft integrate with nature lanscape cause of priority
DAY5:都兰→沱沱河 767km 14.5h我们是临时决定的去拉萨。从都兰到拉萨有1500km,其中都兰到格尔木段350km全是戈壁,海拔还不算高,格尔木到拉萨1150km的路程全程限速,网友对限
DAY3:碌曲→西宁 334KM 7.5h又是早起,祝霸的生物钟让所有人都哭笑不得。他每天五六点就会自然醒来,猛的拉开窗帘,让阳光铺满整个房间,然后二话不说奋起掀开赖床不起的二小
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
Credits Location: KunMing, Road Investment Headquarters, Entrance Hall. Usable Floor area: 153.5M2 Budget: Approx 1,350,000 RMB Design: 2014 Client: YunNan Pu
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
建筑耕田 近来对博蓝建筑事务所首席建筑师庞博做了一次专访, 庞博认为情感的融入对建筑是尤为重要的。建筑是有生命的,他是一个各种复杂的事件所赋予的气质。建筑,作为承载时间,空间以及行为片断的容器,他的意义在于给予这些无规则且零散碎片以限定,并为创造新规则的可能性提供契机。
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p
时空对话建筑师• 庞博&奥斯卡·尼迈耶——“生命就是一口气”
Between the blue sky and sea, the far away Ediburgh Castle with float and mystery likes the city of sky in real life. I know the meaning of the building existence is that it has been or will be the carrier of the history. A continuous wave of people who p