——云中漫步 Way On Cloud
来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:
来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:
▽ 构思分析,concept analysis
增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR),是在虚拟现实的基础上发展起来的新技术,也被称之为混合现实。是通过
AR (Augmented Reality, referred to as "AR"), is in the virtual Reality Developed on the basis of new
technology, also known as mixed reality. Is through the Computer system to provide the information to increase the user to the real world of perception technology, will be Virtual information is applied in the real world, and the computer-generated virtual objects.
Holographic projection technology embedded in the exhibition space, can play at any time record highway in yunnan province Development of documentaries, wonderful experience more rich make people involved people, from all A perspective from different scenarios and feelings.
Dance of light. As the elements of space, the introduction of the dramatic light enriched the exhibition space, And also to the original lobby with sufficient high-quality natural light.
Spiral staircase is not only a new vertical transportation system connected to the function of each layer, Also as a gallery show streamline.
Relief of the epidermis is the medium of building from the outside world dialogue. This kind of language with the vicissitudes of life Will prompt people to the context of the inheritance and the continuation of history itself.
项目名称: 云南公投博物馆
项目类型: 文化建筑
项目规模: 6,600 M2
项目位置 : 云南
参与者: 庞博 苟旻
Name of project: Yunnan Referendum Museum
Type: Culture
Size: 6,600 M2
Location : YUNNAN
Planning Leader: BLUETEAM
Collaborators: PANGBO GOUMING
Project Label/项目标签
Design/设计: BlueTeam
Location/位置:云南 YUNNAN
Type/类型:文化建筑 Culture
Label/标签 :体验 Experience
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